The center of the Tropical Storm KOMPASU (TY2118) is located on the middle of Beibu Gulf (18.8oN, 107.5oE) with maximum wind of category 8 (18 m/s) and central lowest pressure of 955 hPa on 00 UTC 14th Oct 2021.
TS KOMPASU is expected to move northwestward at 10 ~ 15 km/h and its strength will gradually weaken (see Figure 1). It is expected to make landfall on the coast of northern Vietnam this early evening with the category of Tropical Depression or TS, maximum wind of category 7 or 8 (15-18 m/s).
Figure1 TS KOMPASU track and intensity forecast
from 00 UTC 14th Oct to 18 UTC 14th Oct 2021
Affected by TS KOMPASU, heavy rain is expected in the central and northern Indochina Peninsula and Beibu Gulf from 14th to 15th Oct with local torrential rain or very torrential rain. The rainfall will continue to 18th Oct in the Indochina Peninsula due to the tropical disturbance in the South China Sea. (Editor: Wang Haiping, Liu Xiaobo, Wang Yi)