Announcement of the Fifth International Training Course on Typhoon Monitoring and Forecasting
9-11 December 2020, Beijing China
The Fifth International Training Course on Typhoon Monitoring and Forecasting will be hosted by the China Meteorological Administration (CMA)from 9 to 11 December 2020, which is focused on developing operational forecaster’s typhoon prediction knowledge and skills, especially junior ones from the global Typhoon Committee Members. Due to the current COVID-19, this training course will be conducted virtually.
1. Course Objective
The course aims to offer knowledge and skills of typhoon monitoring and forecasting, and enhance the trainees’ better understanding of the application of meteorologicalsatellite products and ensemble forecast products in supporting typhoon monitoring and forecasting operations.
The course will include the overview of the recent progress on typhoon monitoring, forecasting and warning; the application of meteorological satellite products to typhoon forecasting operations, the intensity analysis of Typhoon (Dvorak technique), the probabilistic forecast of typhoon genesis and the application of ensemble prediction product based forecasting of landing typhoon associated precipitation and typhoon tracks.
2. Target Audience
The course will be open to typhoon forecasters from WMO Members, especially from the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee and WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones Members. The participants will be nominated by the Head of the National Meteorological and/or Hydrological Service (NMHS). Generally, no more than 2 trainees from each Member are advised to apply for this course.
The nominated candidates are requested to submit their nomination information to the contact persons together with the short bio of the nomineeno later than 4 December 2020.
The participants pleasevisit and create their own account. Only accepted applicants will receive the admission notices with enroll key.
3. Course Organization
The training course will be conducted via the visual platform with recorded lectures, live lectures and online discussion. Participants are also invited to make presentations on their national typhoon activities in 2020.
Participants should follow the website instructions to take the recorded and live lectures as well as presentations in each session of the course. Participants will be encouraged to discuss the topics presented and actively participate in the live lectures, and they will be expected to dedicate a minimum of 4 hours per day;Participants who have completed all the training activities as required will be issued a digital certificate.
The course will be supported by the experts from the global typhoon centers, universities and etc..The preliminary agenda was planned as below:
Day 1: Typhoon Monitoring and Analysis;
Day 2: Typhoon Forecasting;
Day 3: Participants’ Forum.
The training course will be conducted in English and free of charge.
4. Contact Persons
Ms. GAO Feng
WMO Regional Training Centre Beijing
China Meteorological Administration Training Centre
Ms. Liu Shuang
World MeteorologicalCentre Beijing
National Meteorological Centreof China
(Editor:Zhou Qingliang)